Young mum’s long week in politics

A young mum from Tywyn has spent a week in the life of an Assembly Member on work experience at the National Assembly for Wales.
Katrina Davies, an A-level student from Coleg Merion-Dwyfor, trailed Labour Mid and West Wales AMs Joyce Watson and Rebecca Evans last week to see what goes on behind the scenes of a politician’s office. She says she hopes the experience will help her pursue her ambition of a career in politics.
“With the rise in youth unemployment and University tuition fees it is getting harder for young people to find routes into work, but hopefully this work placement will stand me in good stead for the future.
“’I’ve really enjoyed my week. It has given me a real insight into the workings of the Welsh Assembly and the lives of AMs.
“It has definitely helped me decide what I want to do and I am very grateful for the opportunity I have had”, Katrina said.
Katrina, who lived with Mrs Watson for part of the week, was tasked with researching political issues in the region – she also sat in on a scrutiny committee meeting and attended various events, including one hosted by the charity Parkinson’s UK.
Joyce Watson said:
“I’m pleased Rebecca and I were able to offer Katrina this opportunity. She was very professional and worked really hard all week and I’m glad she enjoyed it.”
Rebecca Evans added:
“Katrina did a great job and I wish her well in her future career. Who knows, perhaps we’ll see her working in the Assembly one day.”
Caption (left to right): Joyce Watson AM, Katrina Davies, Rebecca Evans AM

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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