Tuition Fees Boost for Welsh Part-time Students in Mid & West Wales

Part-time students domiciled in Mid & West Wales will get the same fee support as full-time students, the Welsh Labour Government has announced.
Joyce Watson AM welcomed the move set out by Welsh Labour’s Education Minister Leighton Andrews which will see Welsh-domiciled part-time students being entitled to a non-means-tested loan and grant to meet the up-front cost of their tuition fees.
Subject to the Welsh Labour Government’s Education Bill, the Minister proposes to set the maximum amount for part-time tuition fees at £7000 pro rata rather than £9000 to encourage more learners to enter higher education on a part-time basis.
Joyce Watson AM said: “This is great news for part-time students in Mid & West Wales This move will ensure students domiciled in Wales are not priced out of going to university.
“While the Conservatives are determined to shift the financial burden to students, the Welsh Labour Government will give Welsh students the opportunities they deserve.”
Welsh Labour’s Education Minister, Leighton Andrews, said: “These proposals represent a good deal for the Welsh Higher Education sector and a fair solution for Welsh part-time students.”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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