Speak up on rail services (Carmarthen Journal)

A WEST Wales AM is urging people to have their say on rail services, after an online petition to get the Carmarthen to Aberystwyth line reopened was started.
AM Joyce Watson said a public consultation launched by the National Assembly’s enterprise and business committee was a “once-in-generation chance” to change railway services locally.
A WEST Wales AM is urging people to have their say on rail services, after an online petition to get the Carmarthen to Aberystwyth line reopened was started.
AM Joyce Watson said a public consultation launched by the National Assembly’s enterprise and business committee was a “once-in-generation chance” to change railway services locally.
The petition, which was started by Rhodri Evans, saw 1,420 signatures in less than a week and the number is still climbing.
The online campaign is urging the Welsh Government to reopen the train line from Carmarthen to Aberystwyth, which was closed to passengers in the 1960s.
Despite the towns being just 50 miles apart, at the moment passengers are forced to make a six-hour train journey via England.
The petition, which is on 38degrees.org.uk, reads: “We believe this is vital for the local communities and the Welsh economy as a whole as it will allow the transition of people and services to areas which are otherwise isolated.”
Mrs Watson added: “The extra services between Carmarthen and Fishguard, the opening of Goodwick station and the doubling of the line between Gowerton and Llanelli have transformed rail travel in south west Wales. How could it be further improved in future? This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for people to have their say on the future of the railways.
“We want to hear from people who use the trains, but we are also keen to take on board the views of those for whom the current system does not work.”
Roland Jones, who has lived in Carmarthen for more than 40 years, said: “I would really like to see the Carmarthen to Aberystwyth railway reopened.
“I do not think it should have closed in the first place.”
The new Wales and Boarders rail franchise will begin in 2018.
The consultation will examine whether the current franchise, which was awarded to Arriva Trains Wales in 2003, meets passengers’ needs and what lessons should be learnt from it.
It will also look at how the new franchise could improve passenger experience.
The committee will consider routes, service levels and rolling stock, and how passengers, communities and local government should be involved in development and delivery.
You can send an electronic copy of your evidence submission to enterprise. [email protected] Alternatively write to: Dr Siân Phipps, Clerk, Enterprise and Business Committee, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA. Submissions should arrive by Friday, September 13.
Source: http://www.thisissouthwales.co.uk/Speak-rail-services/story-19624640-detail/story.html#axzz2bkfttujh

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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