Pensioners face eviction from day centre

ABERYSTWYTH pensioners could be forced out of the town’s day centre against their wishes and moved into a windowless basement in the town hall to make way for the redevelopment of the Mill Street car park, it was claimed this week.
And also as part of the scheme the old Brtish Gas showrooms, which is a listed building and currently occupied by Bangor Garage, is also under threat of demolition.
Mid and West Wales AM Joyce Watson said the day centre was a wonderful facility and added: “No-one has spoken to the pensisoners about what they want, and I will be taking up the case on their behalf to say that they want to stay where they are.”
And Aberystwyth deputy mayor Richard Boudier said: “Aberystwyth Day Centre is a well-loved local service, and service users should be consulted before any changes of this type are made.
“It has lovely natural light, while the proposed venue is in a basement with no windows.”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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