Pembrokeshire scheme off to a Flying Start, says AM

A Welsh Assembly Government scheme is giving children in Pembrokeshire a flying start in life, Assembly Member Joyce Watson has said.
The Flying Start initiative was launched to encourage services to work together in the interest of children up to three years old who live in some of the most deprived areas of Wales.
In Pembrokeshire, the Plant Dewi Centre offers parents one-to-one support, helping them to increase their confidence. It also provides health visitors and language programmes.
After raising the subject in the Assembly chamber, Joyce Watson AM said,
‘The Flying Start scheme is all about agencies working together to give children in deprived areas the best possible start in life. It includes healthcare visitors, language development elements, as well as offering support to parents.
‘The scheme was recently the subject of a very positive report and I hope it will build on this so as many children as possible, in Pembrokeshire and across Wales, will benefit from it.’
For more information about Joyce Watson AM, visit

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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