Milford Haven Delivery Office under threat as Fishguard is saved

10:51am Thursday 24th November 2011
The last post looks to have been sounded for Milford Haven’s mail delivery office – in the same week that Fishguard’s office was saved.
The office’s 28 staff now face the prospect of being relocated to Merlins Bridge, although Royal Mail confirmed there would be no compulsory redundancies as a result of any changes.
Communication Workers Union branch secretary Gary Williams said the union was waiting on the proposals to be put forward adding: “We will fight it the same way we fought Fishguard.”
The news comes as Royal Mail announced half-year operating profits of £67million last week, up from £22million in the same period a year ago.
Royal Mail spokesman Val Bodden said: “We can confirm that we are undertaking a feasibility study into the possibility of moving our current delivery office site at Milford Haven to our delivery office in Haverfordwest. “Whenever a delivery office move goes ahead, we would always offer our customers alternative means of receiving undelivered items of mail.
“Any modernisation or efficiency proposals being considered would always involve full discussions with all staff affected by any proposed change.”
Reacting to the announcement MP Stephen Crabb said he was ‘very concerned’.
“Senior management from Royal Mail in Cardiff have agreed to meet me as a matter of urgency to discuss the situation and how it could impact on the staff and all the residents of the town.
“There is no question in my mind that the closure of the delivery office would hurt the town and further damage local business confidence.”
Labour AM for Mid and West Wales, Joyce Watson said: “After the good news about Fishguard, this comes as a real blow; but not a surprise.
“It is the busiest time of year for mail carriers – the timing couldn’t be worse.
“At a public meeting in Fishguard in September I said I feared closing Fishguard would be the thin end of the wedge – that is still true.
“The concerns about journey times for staff and the affect on customers are going to be the same and I will be fighting this decision. They can’t pit one Pembrokeshire community against another.”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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