Mid and West Wales AM goes out on calls with RSPCA inspector

Tuesday 15 December 2015
ASSEMBLY Member for Mid and West, Joyce Watson, has accompanied RSPCA inspector Keith Hogben on several calls in and around the region.
The ride-along gave Mrs Watson a chance to experience what RSPCA inspectors deal with on a day-to-day basis. Throughout the course of a busy day, they dealt with a number of routine calls.
Joyce Watson AM said: “I am grateful to Keith for letting me accompany him on his rounds. It was fascinating to see first-hand some of what an RSPCA inspector does on his daily rounds.
“We had a busy day, following up phone calls and visiting addresses connected with ongoing cases – the charity relies on that public support and cooperation.
“People regularly contact me about animal welfare issues. From dog attacks to concerns about mistreated animals, so I was pleased to accept RSPCA Cymru’s invitation to shadow a local inspector and learn more about the charity’s on-the-ground work.”
RSPCA inspector Keith Hogben added: “I was very pleased to have the opportunity to demonstrate to Joyce Watson the work RSPCA’s inspectorate do each and every day to help and protect animals across Mid and West Wales and beyond.
“The RSPCA receives approximately 1.3 million calls each year; and the breadth of visits made on this particular day highlights the diversity of issues we deal with in the interests of animal welfare.”
A number of Assembly Members and Members of Parliament across Wales have spent days-out with local RSPCA inspectors, gaining valuable insight into the work the Society does to uphold and improve standards of animal welfare.

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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