Marine Conservation Zones

Back in June, Colin Evans a fisherman from Bardsy Isand visited the Welsh Assembly. CoIin was there on behalf of the Welsh Fishermen’s Association. The Association is very concerned about the proposals that have been put forward to set up Marine Conservation Zones. Colin wanted Assembly Members to know of the alternative approach that has been adopted by the Fisherman’s Association.
When they met at the Assembly Colin explained that that the Welsh Fishermen’s Association is a voluntary organisation that argues for an ecosystem based approach.
Joyce Watson was keenly interested. She explains, “I wanted to know more. At the meeting I said that I would join them on a boat to visit the site. After all, the proposals, I made it clear, were not directives at this stage and I wanted to speak to as wide a range of local people as possible who might be affected by what has been put forward. “
In the photograph taken in Aberdaron are Joyce Watson, the Assembly Member for Mid and West Wales with two local hoteliers Mr Ian Roberts of Gwesty Ty Newydd and Alun Harrison of the Ship Inn, together with Colin Evans.
Joyce discussed the matter with the two hoteliers. Ian Roberts has run Gwesty Ty Newydd for 6 years and Alun Harrison has been in business for over 30 years. He also owns the cafe and a fish restaurant.
Both are dependent on selling locally dressed crab that is processed in Aberdaron. The business won an award in 2011 as a producer of local food. It employs 6 people full time and is run by Natalie and Stephen Harrison, brother of Alun of the Ship Inn.
Colin Evans fishes in and around Bardsy Island. He makes a living from it and is one of the latest of many generations of his family to do so. As is natural in this part of the word, Colin also acts as the local ferryman and postman. Colin is the father of two young children. They are aged 2 years and 6 months. As is natural too, he wants his children, when they grow up, to enjoy the fruits of the locality just as the generations who went before did.
Joyce said, “I want to see the local economy flourishing. People are afraid that the proposals, if implemented as they stand, will destroy the local economy. I want to do all I can to help a way of life that has sustained families for generations.”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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