Local lights funding shows a bright way forward

Local AM Joyce Watson welcomed the announcement of the latest round of projects which will be supported by the Welsh Government’s Invest to Save Fund.
Jane Hutt, Minister for Finance and Government Business announced a total of 10 projects that will be funded, totalling approximately £5 million.
Joyce Watson, Labour Assembly Member for Mid and West Wales said,
“Among the local projects that the Welsh Government is funding is £1.4 million for Carmarthenshire County Council.
“This will help fund the replacement of 12,000 traditional street lighting sodium units with LED units. As well as providing annual cash releasing savings in the region of £400,000 per annum, the investment also improves road safety.
“All of mid Wales will benefit from this fund, with £165,000 for the Mid Wales Fire and Rescue Service enabling the conversion of every fire station in the region to LED lighting.
“That is why the project is called Invest to Save. The longer you use this kind of lighting, the more money you save, and that is why I am welcoming this announcement.”
Further information: http://gov.wales/about/cabinet/cabinetstatements/2015/investtosaveround11/?lang=en

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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