Joyce welcomes investment to keep pool at the ‘heart of the community’

Joyce Watson AM for Mid & West Wales today congratulated the community in their victory in being awarded around £800,000 of investment through the Community Asset Transfer Programme (CAT) – a partnership between the Big Lottery Fund and the Welsh Assembly Government.
Speaking after the announcement, Joyce said:
“Since the announcement was made by Gwynedd Council to close the pool back in October 2007, I have campaigned hard to support the people of Harlech in raising this issue in the National Assembly for Wales and to put pressure on Gwynedd Council to fully support the community in their campaign to save the pool.
“It has always been clear that Harlech pool is a facility that means so much to the people of Harlech and that the vast majority of the community were always against the closure. The results from the online survey I did in 2008 showed that 81% of people feared being unable to swim elsewhere if the pool were to close.
“It is a community facility used by people of all ages, for both health and social reasons. It is an integral part of Harlech and has brought the community together for many years.
“This funding from the Big Lottery and the Welsh Assembly Government will prove vital in allowing the pool to remain at the heart of the community.
“This day is a victory to all those involved in the campaign and to those that never lost hope in being able to save Harlech Pool”.

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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