Joyce Watson AM stays safe with a Home Fire Safety Check

Fire fighters from Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service have visited the home of Welsh Assembly Member Joyce Watson to conduct a free Home Fire Safety Check.

Mrs Watson, Assembly Member for Mid and West Wales, was visited by Fire Safety Officers Chris McDonald and Andrew Thicker on Monday 14 February. The officers tested smoke alarms, and checked the house to make sure it is fire safe.

The Home Fire Safety Check service is free, and available to anyone living in the service area by calling 0800 169 1234.

Joyce Watson AM said: “I suspected it was about time I replaced my smoke alarms and because I knew about the scheme, I asked the experts to help me.

“Each year fire fighters in Wales attend over 2,000 accidental fires in the home, and the officers explained that most people can change something about their daily routine or simple things around the home to reduce their chances of having an accidental fire.

“Chris and Andrew fitted two new smoke detectors and advised me that my old upstairs alarm had been in the wrong place. They even checked things like the plug sockets and extension cables – I would really recommend this service.”
Community Safety Manager Jeremy Trew said: “We are very pleased that Mrs Watson invited us to conduct a Home Fire Safety Check. She is setting a very good example to members of the public, because this is a free service which everyone should consider taking advantage of.
“Fire Safety Officers can visit your home to make sure you are not at risk of a house fire. They will check your smoke alarms are working, or if necessary install free smoke alarms with 10 year batteries. To book an appointment, simply call 0800 169 1234.”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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