Joyce Watson AM comment on Cardiff University football ban

Commenting on news that Cardiff University’s football team has been banned from playing for two weeks after one of its members allegedly made jokes about rape and domestic abuse at a social event, anti-violence campaigner Joyce Watson AM said:
“Sadly, there is a new wave of misogyny in the name of ‘banter’ in our universities. Last week it was the video of Stirling University men’s hockey team behaving appallingly on a bus, now Cardiff University’s football team.
“I commend the Students Union for taking the incident seriously. Hopefully, the ban will encourage the those responsible to grow up.
“In stark contrast, players from Cardiff City, Wrexham and Newport County football clubs are supporting this year’s White Ribbon campaign, which calls for boys and men to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women. The Welsh Rugby Union is also backing the campaign.
The Labour Mid and West AM and the National Federation of Women’s Institutes – Wales set up the Not in My Name campaign to recruit male ambassadors in the build up to International White Ribbon Day on 25 November.
Mrs Watson added:
“Last Friday I was with students at Aberystwyth University – they organised an event to mark White Ribbon Day to ensure that the Union and University have a zero tolerance policy to sexual harassment and violence. I am sure they, like most students, would find this sort of ‘laddish’ behaviour completely unacceptable. misogyny must be challenged at every turn.”
For more information about Joyce Watson’s work, contact her office on 02920 898972 /

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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