Joyce urges local charities to bid for contracts to help those out of work

Local Assembly Member JOYCE WATSON AM is urging local voluntary organisations and charities to bid for contracts to help people who are out of work.
Organisations across Wales are being given a new opportunity to access funding from the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA)’s Engagement Gateway project.
Voluntary organisations and charities that support out-of-work people could win a contract from the project, which is funding organisations to develop the skills and confidence of disadvantaged and economically inactive people.
JOYCE WATSON AM said: “At this time of cutbacks and uncertainty people seeking work need all the services they can get, and I would urge any eligible organisation to consider this.”
To become eligible for Gateway contracts of between £25,000 and £150,000, organisations can join the project’s approved supplier list by submitting a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) by 2pm on 24 January 2011.
Organisations whose PQQ meets the assessment criteria will be able to tender for contracts from March 2011.
Engagement Gateway and Grants Manager Tessa White said: ‘This is an opportunity for any organisation that works with economically inactive people, particularly those that are concerned about funding and the likelihood of greater demand on their services in the near future.
‘It’s also a chance for organisations that have previously missed the opportunity to get onto the project’s approved supplier list and tender for contracts next year.’
Briefing sessions on how to complete a PQQ will be run across Wales during November and December.
For more information about the Gateway project and the dates of the PQQ briefing sessions, contact the WCVA Helpdesk on 0800 2888 329 or email [email protected].
Click here for more information about the Gateway.

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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