JOYCE SAYS “What a mess! Pembrokeshire Leader should lead not blame”

Pembrokeshire-based Assembly Member JOYCE WATSON AM (Mid and West Wales) today responded to the Leader of Pembrokeshire Council’s reported attacks on Welsh Government ministers.
“The Leader of Pembrokeshire Council should lead not blame.
“Today’s attacks on Assembly Ministers typify what we’ve come to expect from him – a self-righteous smokescreen to shift attention from uncomfortable truths.
“His attempts today to move the goalposts ignore the facts.
“Firstly, neither the Minister nor the Deputy Minister wrote the report – they responded to its findings.
“Secondly, the Welsh Government has to actively respond to the independent assessment of services, which they have done.
“Thirdly, John Davies, his cabinet member and senior officers are all charged with the same duty of care.
“It would be more appropriate if he focused his energy on making those officers found wanting in the report do their job of protecting children, instead of protecting their system.
“Does he completely fail to see his role here as Leader of the Council?
“I want him to stop digging, stand up, and do the political job he is being paid to do, and which the people of Pembrokeshire expect him to do.”
Mrs Watson frequently campaigned on these issues in her 15 years as a Pembrokeshire County councillor and as Leader of the Opposition. She added:
“The cabinet member Cllr Huw George was quoted as saying: “There was nothing to suggest to any of us that there was a potential that children could be harmed in this case.”
“I find this complacency towards vulnerable young people worrying, and I call on John Davies to become a real leader and remove him.
“Similarly, I call on Mr Davies to take firm action with officers who are proven to have misled their political leaders.
“What matters here is the wellbeing of children, not the protection of those who have operated discredited practises.
“What a mess! Sort it out John, and do it now.”
For more information contact Joyce Watson’s office on 02920 898972 or on

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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