Joyce questions Pembrokeshire Council chief’s ‘tax dodge’ in Welsh Assembly

Assembly Member Joyce Watson today spoke out about Pembrokeshire Council chief executive, Bryn Parry-Jones’s alleged ‘tax dodge’.
The Labour Mid and West AM, a former Pembrokeshire councillor, raised the subject during Assembly Question Time.
Mrs Watson asked the Minister for Local Government and Government Business, Lesley Griffiths AM:
“Will the minister please make a statement or allow a debate on the decision by Pembrokeshire County Council to allow senior Officers to opt out of the Local Government scheme to avoid paying tax? The Wales Audit Office must rule whether this is illegal or not but in any case it is immoral that the senior tax collector of a Local Authority is allowed to take advantage of a tax-dodge in his own authority. He will authorise tax and arrears collections while at the same time trying his best not to pay tax himself.
The minister responded:
“This is a matter for the auditor general and his appointed auditor. I have spoken to the auditor general and I understand that there is a conflict of legal views, and the appointed auditor is considering issuing a public interest report, which would be done within the next few weeks.”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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