Joyce lends support to Tenovus cancer services

Assembly Member Joyce Watson attended the launch of Tenovus’ all Wales cancer service in the National Assembly for Wales on Wednesday (22 June).
Wales’ leading cancer charity brought their cancer support services to the Senedd to showcase how the charity could help support community cancer services.
Members of Tenovus’ Cancer Support Team gave Mrs Watson a tour of their Mobile Cancer Support Unit and Suncream Van, which brings cancer treatment, care, support and research closer to people’s homes.
Mid and West Wales AM Joyce Watson said;
“As well as offering emotional and financial advice and support to people and their families living with and recovering from cancer, charities like Tenovus support the NHS by providing essential services like chemotherapy treatment.
“The Welsh Government is committed to providing health services as close to a patient’s home as is safely possible and with the support of charities like Tenovus, we can meet the needs of individual cancer patients in every community.”
Dr Rachel Iredale, Director of Tenovus’ Cancer Support Team added:
“We are delighted to have Joyce’s support for our all Wales service. The number of patients and families we have supported through our services over the last year has increased by 60% and we will see that figure increase even further with our expansion to a pan Wales service.
“Our services focus on the needs of patients throughout every stage of their cancer journey; from the point of diagnosis right through treatment and beyond. Patients want access to services, closer to home – Tenovus is the charity that is bringing care, support, treatment and research into the heart of the community.”
Dr Iredale continued:
“Tenovus’ specialist Cancer Support Team can help anyone affected by cancer, whether you are a patient, partner, family member or friend. We offer practical advice, information and support on any issue relating to cancer, ranging from welfare rights advice to counselling. Our cancer services are innovative, flexible and patient-centred. We work in partnership with the NHS and local health boards across Wales and save money!”
Tenovus will be visiting locations every Monday across Wales as part of Mobile Mondays to promote their cancer support services and encourage more patients, families and carers to access support where and when the need it most. If you would like more information on Tenovus Mobile Mondays call their Freephone Cancer Support Line 0808 808 1010.

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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