Joyce Drops in on Jig-So

Joyce Watson, the Labour Assembly Member for Mid and West Wales, recently paid one of her regular visits to Jig-So in Cardigan.
Jig-So is a children’s charity that encourages creative play. It gives help and support to adults too in all the ways that they can help children to play and have fun.
Joyce was invited to a special opening on Friday afternoon, 17th July, of Jig-So’s new Sensory Room. As well as something for the children to enjoy, volunteers and parents were presented with certificates that showed how they been trained for work in this centre.
Joyce was told that it’s not just parents who can benefit. In the Centre over the summer holidays there is a new session for all those grandparents who help in the holidays with childcare. Running in August, on Tuesday the 4th, 18th and 25th from 10 in the morning until 12 noon, it’s called “coffee morning stay and play.” Grandmothers and grandfathers can enjoy a cuppa while the grandchildren can play.
The Centre also runs one day courses for children 5 years old and older. Parents must stay and they find out that they learn a lot too.
Joyce said, “The Sensory Room has been funded by Children in Need and supported by the People’s Postcode Lottery. It’s heart-warming to see these excellent initiatives taking root in our rural communities.”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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