First Minister praises Fishguard and Goodwick town improvement project

In 2014, the Welsh Government awarded Fishguard and Goodwick £50,000 to rejuvenate the twin town centres. Two years on, First Minister Carwyn Jones says the money “has been put to very good use”.
Joyce Watson AM raised the subject at Assembly Question Time on Tuesday (23 Feb). The Labour member for Mid and West Wales asked about the success so far and future of the project.
“That money has helped to deliver all sorts of things…better Wi-Fi, pop-up shops, maps and guides, and of course the Fishguard bay app,” she said.

The First Minister answered:
“(t)he town-centre partnership in Fishguard and Goodwick was awarded £50,000. What’s happened is that it has devised and developed its own bespoke actions for the locality.
“It’s important, of course, that we are able to assess the effectiveness of that funding, but it seems that the early evidence from Fishguard and Goodwick is that it has been put to very good use.”
Fishguard and Goodwick Town Team, comprising local politicians, the Chamber of Trade and the Community Forum, is responsible for delivering the three-year project, which is match-funded by Pembrokeshire County Council. A copy of its development plan is available for scrutiny in the library.

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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