Digital tech advice service boosts local businesses

Superfast Business Wales, the Welsh Government’s flagship digital advice service, has supported 329 businesses in Mid and West Wales, new figures reveal.
Launched in 2014, Superfast Business Wales is backed by Welsh Government and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Part of the Business Wales service, it provides small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs*) with ICT advice and guidance on how they can use online technologies such as: cloud computing; online apps and software; social media; and mobile working to grow and develop their businesses.
Labour Mid and West AMs Joyce Watson and Eluned Morgan welcomed the latest figures.
Joyce Watson AM said:
“I am pleased that businesses across the region have taken advantage of this service. Digital technology is increasingly important to businesses and getting the best out of it can be confusing. This free independent advice could be invaluable. I would encourage business who have not yet used the service to do so.”
“Through policies like Superfast Business Wales, together with the £100m small business rates relief scheme, the transitional rate relief scheme and the high street rate relief scheme, the Welsh Labour Government is backing businesses in these uncertain times.”
Eluned Morgan AM said:
“It’s absolutely vital that businesses have a hand to help them grow and develop further. In Rural Wales businesses are facing many and varied economic challenges so this support and an encouragement to use superfast technology which is being rolled out to more and more properties is very important. I’m working hard on an economic plan for Rural Wales that has identified shortcomings in broadband and mobile infrastructure but I’d be keen to hear your views too, so visit my website to get in touch –”
The free, independent service includes access to an online needs review; masterclasses and workshops; one-to-one ICT support; and a full website diagnostic. Businesses can also download the new Software Directory, as well as a number of online tools, guides and top tips, from the website:
Minister for Skills and Science, Julie James added:
“I’m pleased over a thousand businesses have taken advantage of the Superfast Business Wales service since it was launched a year ago and I would encourage more to do so. The service offers free independent advice and guidance on how to make the best use of the digital technology which is becoming ever more important in the business world.
“Superfast broadband can make a real difference to the way business communicates with its customers and helps to deliver a better quality and more efficient service. The Welsh Government is committed to investing in superfast broadband infrastructure which is vital in supporting growth and prosperity in Wales.”
To find out more and to register onto the Superfast Business Wales service call 0300 060 3000, email [email protected] or visit Superfast Business Wales.

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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