Commenting on the result of the EU Referendum, Joyce Watson AM said:

“I am deeply sorry about the result. I worry about the future of our United Kingdom and Britain’s place in the world – about the integrity of the hard-won post-war order and the economy.
“As a legislator my job is to get to grips with the implications for Wales, to make sure we get a good deal from both the UK Government and the EU.
“Wales has received more than £4bn of EU funding since 2000. For as long as we are members we must continue to benefit from CAP and structural funding. And we must negotiate a post-EU funding settlement with the UK that honours the big promises that were made during the campaign.

“Politicians of all stripes must also face up to the deep divisions the referendum exposed and deal with the causes of people’s disaffection.
“There are also huge legal and constitutional matters for the Assembly to wrestle with.
“The country has spoken. The work starts now.”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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