Coastguard campaigners call on Welsh Government to carry out risk assessments (Western Telegraph)

11:12am Tuesday 5th July 2011
As part of their continuing campaign to save Welsh Coastguard stations, members of the Save Milford Haven Campaign Group will deliver a petition to the Welsh Government tomorrow (Wednesday).
The petition calls on the Welsh Government to conduct independent risk and impact assessments on the safety of coastal tourists following plans by the UK Government to close Milford Haven and Holyhead coastguard stations, and downgrade Swansea to daylight hours.
Save Milford Haven Campaign Group spokesman Dennis O’Connor said: “Many people have voiced concerns over the extent to which these proposals to close over half of UK Coastguard stations have been risk assessed so the next step in our campaign is to urge the Welsh Government to carry out an independent risk impact assessment on the safety to coastal tourists.
“As a campaign group we are aware that HM Coastguard is not a devolved responsibility but insist that concerns raised by Coastguard campaigners in Milford Haven and Holyhead about the loss of vital local knowledge which could lead to delays in tasking of correct search & rescue teams should be addressed without delay by the Welsh Government”.
Watch Manger Graham Warlow added: “Obviously our concerns are for everyone who uses the Welsh coastline but it is important that our Government here in Wales is made fully aware of any increased risks to tourists who are less familiar with our coast.
“This is why we are uging the Welsh Government to immediately & independently assess the impact on the safety of tourists who visit the whole of the Welsh coastline.
“The risk assessments published to date have been strongly criticised and with alternative proposals expected to be announced shortly, we believe that Wales needs to place greater scrutiny on the process.”
The chair of the Assembly’s Petitions Committee, William Powell AM, will formally receive the petition along with fellow committee member and AM for Mid and West Wales Joyce Watson on the steps of the Senedd in Cardiff Bay at 12:30pm on Wednesday.

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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