Call to drive out cowboy builders in Wales (South Wales Evening Post)

A CROSS-PARTY group of AMs have backed demands for tighter building regulations in Wales to help drive out “cowboys”.
Richard Jenkins, Wales Director for the Federation of Master Builders, has backed the call for improved regulation of the domestic building industry.
He said: “Four years ago, three- year-old Meg Burgess was instantly killed when a 23m wall, built and designed by a builder in Wales, collapsed as she walked with her parents on a public highway. Tragedies like this could be avoided with improved regulation, as currently anyone can set themselves up as a ‘builder’ and make structural change to domestic properties.”
Joyce Watson AM, Chair of the Cross Party Group on Construction, added: “Cowboy builders undercut reputable tradespeople, undermine consumer confidence, wreck property and ruin lives.
“They give a bad name to an industry full of hard-working, trustworthy professionals. I’m committed to finding any way that makes it harder for rogue traders to operate here in Wales.”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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