AMs welcome Minister’s plan to develop Pembs Enterprise Zone

Mid and West Wales AMs Rebecca Evans and Joyce Watson have welcomed Business
and Enterprise Minister Edwina Hart’s decision to actively pursue developing
a proposal to create an Enterprise Zone at Haven Waterway.
The proposal for Haven Waterway represents a dynamic proposal as it is based in a
strategically important location for UK business. Ms Hart said that
“discussions with the UK Government was needed” and that “Once I have clarification
on this, I will confirm or otherwise its status”.
Rebecca Evans said:
“This is great news for Pembrokeshire.
“I hope that the discussions between the Welsh and UK Government will lead to a
positive result so we can grow businesses and employment opportunities in the region.”
Joyce Watson, who sits on the Assembly’s Enterprise and Business Committee, said:
“I am delighted that the Business Minister has committed to develop a new Enterprise Zone in Pembrokeshire.
“As the UKs largest energy hub, the Haven is hugely important to the region. There is enormous potential to tap into the current workforce skills, to generate new business opportunities and create jobs.
“I will continue to discuss this project with the Minister, to ensure it delivers maximum economic benefits to Pembrokeshire.”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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