AMs secure government meeting for Withybush protest

Health minister Mark Drakeford has agreed to meet Withybush Hospital campaigners at a protest to be held in Cardiff next month.
The request to meet was made by Mid and West Wales AMs Joyce Watson and Rebecca Evans at a private meeting to discuss neonatal services in the Hywel Dda area held at the Assembly on Tuesday (18 February).
In a follow-up letter to Mrs Watson, the minister writes:
“A demonstration is planned for the Senedd on 5 March and I said I would be happy to meet with you, Rebecca and a small delegation of people on the same day, to listen to any outstanding concerns.”
Mrs Watson said:
“I am grateful to the minister for accepting my appeal to meet Withybush campaigners at the forthcoming demonstration. The minister has confirmed that, while the midwife-led unit is being set up at Withybush, there will be consultant obstetric cover to support midwives. However, it is critical that all services in place after this initial establishing phase are built around the safety of mothers and babies. The meeting will be an opportunity for campaigners to discuss these issues directly with the minister.”
Rebecca Evans added:
“I am pleased to have secured a meeting with the Minister so that campaign leaders can make their case directly to the Minister, and so that the Minister can address the concerns in detail.”
Last month over 1,000 people from across Pembrokeshire staged a protest march through Haverfordwest against the closure of the Special Care Baby Unit at Withybush Hospital.
Save Withybush Action Team (SWAT) will lead the Senedd demonstration on Wednesday March 5th 2014.
For more information about Joyce Watson’s work contact her office on 02920 898972 /

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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