AMs respond to “shocking” Arriva decision

LABOUR Mid and West AMs Joyce Watson and Rebecca Evans have responded to the shock announcement that Arriva is to withdraw its services completely from Ceredigion and Meirionnydd.
In a joint letter to Cllr Alun Williams, Ceredigion Council’s cabinet member for transport, the AMs offer their support to help secure the future of public transport in the county. They also welcome the establishment by the Welsh Government of an emergency task group to explore how services can be maintained.
The group, comprising local government officials from Ceredigion, Carmarthen and Gwynedd, will meet tomorrow (Friday) to discuss all options concerning bus travel in the region. It will report back to the Welsh Government next week.
Commenting on Arriva’s announcement, Mrs Watson said:
“It is an appalling decision. The immediate response must be to work with local operators to salvage essential services before the December deadline.”
Here is the letter:
Thursday, 03 October 2013
Dear Cllr Williams,
RE: Arriva Bus services
You will be aware of Arriva’s decision to close sites and cut bus services across Ceredigion.
As we understand it, depots in Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, and outstations in New Quay and Lampeter in Ceredigion (and Dolgellau, Gwynedd) could shut on 21 December following a consultation with staff, meaning the cancellation of buses 20, 40, 40C, 50, 585 and X94 from the same date with the loss of 46 jobs.
We are naturally very disappointed to hear of this decision, but are pleased that the Minister for Business Enterprise and Transport has acted quickly to set up a group to explore how services can be maintained.
We would be grateful if you would provide us with an update on what discussions you are engaging in in order to ensure that bus services are maintained across the county, and offer our assistance in efforts to ensure that constituents are able to access good quality, reliable public transport.
Yours Sincerely,
Joyce Watson AM | Rebecca Evans AM

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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