- 16/11/2011
- Posted by: Joyce Watson MS
- Category: Feature

Wednesday 16th November 2011
The four major construction employer trade federations in Wales officially launched the Wales Construction Federation Alliance (WCFA) yesterday in the presence of Edwina Hart AM, the Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science. The event at the National Assembly for Wales was hosted by local Assembly Member Joyce Watson.
The Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA Wales), the National Federation of Builders (NFB), the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) and the Home Builders Federation (HBF) have joined forces in recognition of the enormous pressure on construction businesses in Wales. The economic recession has combined with the regulatory burden on businesses and increasing demands for higher environmental standards to create one of the most challenging moments in the Welsh construction sector’s history, the WCFA warned.
Rhodri-Gwynn Jones, CECA Wales Director and Secretary and Chair for the WCFA said:
“The vision of the WCFA is to promote a growing and successful construction sector in Wales. It is our intention to work closely with the Welsh Government to ensure construction businesses are able to develop and expand whilst responding to the challenges of sustainable development. It is important to remember that businesses employing fewer than 10 people account for almost 98% of the construction sector in Wales, which is why it is so important for the industry’s representatives to unite and make ourselves heard. We are confident that the entire sector will share our vision for construction in Wales and the WCFA looks forward to working with all our partners and stakeholders moving forward.”
Mid and West Wales AM Joyce Watson, who is Chair of the Assembly’s Cross Party Group on Construction, said:“It is important that the Welsh Government supports Welsh construction firms – helping them surmount the challenges they face and seize new opportunities. By working co-operatively, the Alliance can amplify what the industry is saying on issues like capital investment for infrastructure projects, public procurement and skills development.”
Edwina Hart MBE OStJ AM, Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science, said:
“Our Programme for Government and the current support available from the Welsh Government have helped create a good rapport between Government and the industry. We have recognised the importance of the industry by establishing a priority sector panel for construction which draws upon the wealth of knowledge and expertise that the industry has to offer. The views of the panel will help us to shape the future development of Construction in Wales.”