AMs back Welsh Government grants to Pembrokeshire Communities

Mid and West Wales AMs Rebecca Evans and Joyce Watson have welcomed the news two community projects in Pembroke Dock and Coed Hirwaun have received grants worth over £120,000 and two community projects in Brynamman and Llanfihangel-ar-Arth have received grants worth up to £350,000 from the Welsh Government’s Communities Facilities and Activities Programme (CFAP) .
Mrs Evans said:
“Voluntary groups are the heart and soul of our communities and it’s important that we help support them. Without proper facilities we risk losing those community ties that help to make the places we live unique and special.
The Welsh Government recognises the importance of supporting community groups. These grants will help to ensure that local residents have the buildings, parks, community centres that help to make our communities thrive”
Pennar Robbins AFC will receive £19,000 to upgrade the heating and showering facilities as well as disabled toilet at Bush Camp Playing Fields.
Maenclochog Community Hall will receive over £104,000 to develop the outdoor space of the facility into an extended car park, cycle rack, outside seating, a shaded area, a soft play area, outdoor storage, a sensory garden and a recycling centre.
The public hall in Brynamman will receive just over £91,000 in order to develop a space on the ground floor of the Hall which is currently undersused and transform it into a new second screening area for their cinema.
The village Hall in Llanfihangel-ar-Arth will receive £259,500 to renovate the building which is used as a community and education centre. The money will be spent on building new toilet facilities and kitchen, roof repairs and insulation, new flooring, an additional classroom and floor heating.
Mrs Watson said:
“I’m delighted that Llanfihangel-ar-Arth Hall, Brynamman Hall, Pennar Robbins and Maenclochog hall are getting the refurbishment treatment. The Welsh Government set aside this money to help support community life at this tough time, and that is exactly what these projects will do – investing in community hubs that will serve local people for years to come.”
The Minister for Local Government and Communities , Carl Sargeant said: “These grants are not simply about improving buildings. Local clubs and centres can be the hub of the community where people, young and old, get together and enjoy social activities.
“Whether a small or large amount, CFAP funding has a beneficial impact upon Welsh communities and the day to day lives of local people. Many of the projects from earlier grants have now come to fruition and have made a huge difference to the communities in which they are based.
“That’s why I’m pleased to see so many local groups and volunteers taking matters into their own hands and applying for grants to make their centre a better place for the whole community to enjoy.”
CFAP is a capital grant scheme which aims to help community and voluntary organisations provide facilities that will promote the regeneration of communities.
CFAP currently provides capital funding of up to £300,000 over a period of up to three financial years and can be accessed by any third sector organisation, as long it is properly incorporated and not profit distributing. To date CFAP has committed over £98 million to 860 community projects across Wales.

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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