AM toasts to Welsh meal deal

Combining Welsh food with Welsh drink is the best meal deal around, Joyce Watson AM has said.
The Labour Member for Mid and West Wales claims that Welsh wine, beer and cider should be drank alongside Welsh lamb, pork or beef to create an authentically Welsh meal.
Mrs Watson joined with Paul Williams, landlord of the Ship Inn in Solva, to sample a full Welsh meal and believes that Wales could match Indian and Italian meals for popularity and taste.
Mrs Watson, who is also Labour’s Rural Affairs Spokesperson said:
“We have become accustomed to drinking Italian wine when eating a pizza and drinking Cobra beer when having a curry. There is no reason why we cannot follow the same idea here and create a Welsh meal deal.
“Wales already enjoys an international reputation for its beef, pork and lamb, we now have the opportunity to expand this to include wine, beer and cider.
“I have had a delicious meal at the Ship Inn in Solva where Welsh produce is always on the menu and I hope that other restaurants and pubs follow this example.”
For further details about Joyce Watson’s work or to contact her please click on

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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