AM lobbies Post Office over Ffestiniog closure

Joyce Watson AM is urging the Post Office to continue to provide a service in Ffestiniog, following the announcement that the village branch will close next month.
Following the resignation of the subpostmaster, the Pen Y Bryn branch will close on 18 February. Post Office is currently exploring options to maintain a local service. In the meantime, customers are advised to travel to the Blaenau Ffestiniog branch, which is nearly three miles away.
Labour Mid and West AM Joyce Watson has written to Post Office to ask about plans for a new service in Ffestiniog. Here is the letter:
Sally Turner, Field Change Advisor
Communication and Consultation Team
Post Office Ltd.
148 Old Street
16 January 2014
Dear Ms Turner,
In a letter dated 16 December the Post Office stated that it was investigating options available which would enable the continuation of Post Office services to the local community in Ffestiniog, Gwynedd.
The Post Office provides a variety of essential services to the public in the locality and it would inconvenience many residents to travel to the nearest branch. I believe it is essential that the Post Office put in place proposals for the continuation of a full service as soon as possible.
Would you outline any options that are being considered by the Post Office and a timetable for the implementation of the new service in Ffestiniog?
I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
Joyce Watson AM/AC

Post Office has stated:
“Future provision will reflect customer numbers and usage and we may take the opportunity to establish an alternative type of service. This may be an outreach service where a subpostmaster from a nearby branch offers the facility with hours of opening set to reflect the likely number of customers who will use the service or a new style branch known as Post Office local. Post Office locals run alongside an established local shop and create a more modern and convenient retail experience for customers in newly refurbished premises.”
To contact Post Office:
• FREEPOST PO Consultation
[email protected]
• (Customer Helpline) 08457 22 33 44; (Textphone) 08457 22 33 55

For more information about Joyce Watson’s work, contact her office on 02920 898972 /

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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