Brecon and Cawdor barracks to close “Special bond” between armed forces and public at risk, warns Watson

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Assembly Members this week debated Ministry of Defence (MoD) plans to close Cawdor barracks in Pembrokeshire, and Brecon barracks and Sennybridge storage compound in Powys.
The three Welsh sites are among 91 facilities to be sold off by the MoD, part of a major shake-up of military buildings and resettling of regiments. Brecon barracks, which dates back to 1805, will close in 2027. The closure of Cawdor barracks, which was first announced in 2013, is expected to happen in 2024.
Answering urgent questions in the Senedd on Tuesday (8 November), Welsh communities minister Carl Sargeant AM revealed he had not been consulted on the plans.
“I will be seeking an urgent, early discussion with the UK Ministers,” he said.
Mid and West Wales AM Joyce Watson, referring to Remembrance commemorations, said:
“This week, of all weeks, we reflect upon the connection between the armed forces and the public. These plans, by concentrating personnel in fewer centres, risk eroding that special bond. That is my fear.
“Cawdor barracks is part of the community – the same is true in Brecon.”
Talking about her own experience of growing up in a military family – in Tywyn and, later, Manorbier – the Labour AM continued:
“When those camps were closed, it denied opportunities of work and money to those communities that had existed for many, many years. You only have to go back to those communities to see the negative impact that removing these services and jobs from those communities has had. Because the other thing that happens when you’ve got armed services in a constituency is that the children go to the local school – they help keep those schools open. They provide, in some cases, staff to help keep your hospitals open. So, the impact is much bigger than might be originally perceived. As I say, having grown up within that community, I understand full well the impact that will be felt quite clearly, because an awful lot of the personnel there will actually volunteer within those communities and help to run other clubs and societies.”
Mrs Watson urged the minister to raise these matters with Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon.
Responding, Mr Sargeant said:
“I’m very grateful for the local Member’s words, describing the issues that will impact on Pembrokeshire and the local community. I also recognise that this isn’t just about the armed forces, in themselves. It is a whole community resilience issue. I strongly believe that all Governments, of whatever political persuasion, have a duty to support communities where the armed forces are based and were based. There is a legacy issue here that I will be discussing with the Minister, and the issues that the Members raise in the Chamber with me today will form part of that discussion.”
He continued:
“I will start a dialogue with the UK Government Minister with regard to the armed forces in terms of actions that I believe that they should take. I don’t believe they should just walk away from commitments in communities. The armed forces have been with us for many years, and they are very welcome here. I would like to be assured that the exit is not just for the armed forces but actually the support for the local community as well. The residence in the civilian life is an important one. I’ve already started discussions with the Cabinet Secretary for infrastructure with regard to joint working, with regard to economic regeneration. I know he is meeting with the leader in Pembrokeshire very shortly, and we’ll continue those discussions. But initially we have to start the dialogue with the UK Ministers in order to be fully appraised of the impact in timeline and exit plans that they have proposed.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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